I made this

Friday, September 5, 2008

I've been keeping busy lately. Apart from getting through, what can only be described as, an absolutely hellish weekend comprised of a funeral, moving to Sacramento at 3am, cleaning house the next day at 6am, and then moving someone else at 11pm; and also going through what I would call either a mental breakdown or a quarter-life crisis (the jury in my brain is still out on that one); I'm somewhat more stable.
I mean, work is still terrible, but I've just signed a six month lease in Sacramento so as far as I can tell my only professional option, beside the Law School, is a freelance career.

First, these three publications came in sometime last week:


I already cataloged the two magazines in the back on an earlier post (12,000 copies of each), but the third one is completely new to this blog. It's a small brochure to be given out to law students describing a program designed to help them not fail their classes.
It's got a signature fold, and all closed up it's 8.5" x 5.5" while open it is sized at 17" x 11".
I printed 1,500 of these.



It's even got an adorable little pocket to hold pieces of paper, like the school newspaper, for example.



And as far as freelance work goes, first is a website redesign for a Sacramento-area dance studio.
Moon colors were used, while light and fancy were the underlying feelings behind the design.


Last is a kind of ugly--but for some reason one that I totally love--t-shirt design for my softball team.


Really, though, no need to offer any criticism. I know it's horrendous.


Ivan W. Lam said...

Looks so good and professional! Are you going to use these photos for your portfolio? Because I think they would stand out even more if you use a dark background (e.g. dark UCD blue) to photograph those pieces against. That is a super minor detail that has nothing to do with your awesome work. So you can ignore me if you're not using those photos for your portfolio.

Thanks for commenting on my site, by the way! :)