comprehensive branding

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The last ten days have been crazy in many ways. In keeping with the theme of this blog I'll only discuss the crazy parts of my workdays and current projects. Sorry, no juicy gossip on my personal life.

I've been finalizing large print projects, and consistently working on the Law School's website, that show good examples of the new branding I've been developing; it's best displayed in the covers for each. In a nutshell, one of the most notable characteristics of the UC Davis School of Law is its friendly, collegial environment and the School's administration feels it best to express that in all media. Friendly and professional was my goal for each of these (big pretty photos of people, bright colors, mostly Futura as my only other font option--Berkeley--is more boring), while at the same time slightly tweaking bits and pieces for different audiences.

First is the all-encompassing yearly admissions catalog, made for an audience of undergraduate students interested in applying. This one's been in the works for months (design and photography, mostly) but the last week has been by far the worst. Coordinating drafts and edits to and from Deans and staff members, finding pictures that no one is offended by and shows enough racial diversity, proper listing of faculty names and educational history, and post-production work to make sure it prints properly. I'm beat.
48 pages, 4 colors + 2pms, perfect bind.







At the same time as all this, I've also been finalizing a brochure that lists all new faculty, deans, and chairs. Nearly all the same headaches apply, but I finished up these two projects just this morning and can take some Tylenol. The audience here is the faculty and deans of all other law schools in the U.S.
16 pages, 4 colors + 1pms, saddle stitch.





The branding on these two publications transfers over to nearly all other projects, the new website included.



This is going to be pretty fantastic when done. I spent so much time taking photos, creating design concepts, and attending meetings with the decision makers that I can hardly believe it's actually being made. I can't wait until it's an actual portfolio piece. Please disregard any Star Wars references you may spot on these drafts.


Ivan W. Lam said...

Lookin' Good, Sam! And I'm sorry about the bureaucratic and inner politics. It's inevitable, I guess. You should let us know when the site is up!

Milan said...

GAH I FORGOT ABOUT YOUR BLOG. Great work here Samuelson -- i miss you. I esp like the photography.