more recent work

Thursday, July 31, 2008

This blog may be a good way to catalog my decent into a conservative way of thinking about design. I remember when it was okay to let creativity supersede everything else, and as a result the work I made was exciting and I was proud to show it off. These days, though, message, brand, and professionalism trump all; "how I can make my projects look sick?" is often the last thing I consider after "is it legible?," "do the photos fit the subject?," "did I use both logos and the tagline?," and "can this be printed within my budget and timeline?"

Most often I'll use a sprinkle of creativity--carefully edited to ensure it doesn't take away from the message, mind you-- to give my projects a touch of personality. In this case it was a combination of metallic gold ink and playing with the sunbursts in the School's logo. I think we produced about 3,000 of these; two inks plus a varnish, sized at 10" x 7" when opened-up.




I yearn for the old days where getting stoned and working away was the best way to remedy a project I wasn't happy with; now watching TV or taking a walk to forget about my work is how I accomplish the same goal. I want to have the energy to dirty my hands and make something more exciting.