five months isn't all that long

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It usually takes me about a half year after abandoning a blog before I feel guilty and try to make up for it by posting again; I think I must have commitment issues. I'll reminisce about my life since my last post:
I went to Thailand, I moved my office to the middle of campus, I've been working, I watched the entire series of The Wire.
I've been constantly churning things out for the Law School, some of which I plan on posting soon, but my creativity has not been spent much elsewhere.
However, the one thing I'm really proud of that I didn't make at work is my journal from Thailand. The writing could definitely benefit from some proofreading (don't worry, I omitted the entries where I detail all the places I held crying sessions), but I could easily see myself filling up a book worth of these things with my everyday observations. Hmmmm, now there's an idea.


I'm afraid my creative self is dying. This stuff above isn't bad, but I'm never motivated to do anything like it these days; most often in my free time I prefer relaxing to creativity-ing. I'm getting stuck in the Davis Black Hole of Death, I've known it for about four years now, but sadly am not ready to leave quite yet. The job search isn't going as I'd hoped, and out of fear of losing my health benefits (I've had two $1,500+ hospital visits in the last sixty days) I'll need to temporarily relocate to Sacramento where I can find a month-to-month rental (as opposed the one year lease apartments available in Davis) so I can bounce out as soon as I find a good opportunity. I'm not depressed, but I think I'm getting tired. I need to slap myself in the face and punch myself in the eye.


Ivan W. Lam said...

Really cool images. I would totally take the time to read it but it's too small and I'm tired from a day of work. (Reminds me of your Paper-Clips book, which I still have.) You should put that journal together and sell copies (that is only if you're willing to show the content to the public and don't consider this a sell out or anything).

I heard Lost is the best outside-of-show-viewer-participation/interactivity series and The Wire is the best contained/plot-only series on TV. I've been wanting to watch it but it's on one of those paid channels. How is it?

Yeah, work does suck creativity out of me, especially when I'm not working at a design place. I guess a certain balance of work and play is needed to keep creativity going.

Good luck with everything. I am totally certain that things will turn out just fine.