dreams of trees, continued

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I spent about eight hours in the office yesterday continuing work on my book.
I swear I've got a to-do list on this book about as long as I am. This room is easily the most daunting bullet-point on that list so I figured that if I got on a roll yesterday, there was no good reason I should stop; it was a late night in Davis, the first time I've been in that city past 11:00 in months.
The room still needs a couple of hours worth of work (electrical outlets, another lamp, a ceiling fixture, and finally proper lighting) but considering I did the original illustrations two years ago, I'm happy I was able to imitate the style.


Ivan W. Lam said...

Looks good! I could totally picture this one day being "The Sam Sellers Style" or one of your styles. Can't wait to see the final product? And any progress images (e.g. your original sketch)?

Ivan W. Lam said...

Oops, first question mark's supposed to be an exclamation point.