dreams of trees

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Not much new has been happening design-wise, there are a few Law School projects I completed since my last post and which I need to display, but frankly I've been kind of lazy the whole month of December.
However, with the help of a friend who lit a fire under my ass, I've begun to do work on my children's book that has been in the back of my mind for the last two years. It feels great to be excited about a personal project like this, and hopefully I can get it polished to the point where I'm happy to begin searching for publishers.
Somewhere on the list of things I want to rework--I'll most likely be showing progress as I move along--is recreating Thomas.


Originally he was far to small on the page, so working at a higher resolution was necessary. The updated version also fits better with the style of other illustrations. Thomas' joints still move so I'll be able to easily pose him, but I was more careful with my selections around the joints themselves so there won't be any jaggies.
I've still got a big to do list for this project, but I can't wait to get it done.


Ivan W. Lam said...

Very very cool! I didn't realize it was your post from my blog feed reader until I saw the image and knew immediately it was from your book.

Law said...

he looks awesome!